2010年10月31日 星期日

28 / 10 / 2010 Li May birthday : )

Li May birthday : )

                                                            还没开始走就肚子饿了 ; )
去leisure mall附近的龙门客栈吃东西 ..

 到了 ; )

一坐下来就点东西吃咯  ; ) 

                                                                    寿星女 : )

                                                              limay & Ashley ; )
                                                                Ahying & limay ; )
                                                                          mee = D

                                                                              Xiu Qii
                                                                    smile : )

erm ,吃饱了后再去leisure mall走走和 *拍照*

 哈哈 xD

*拍照* *拍照*
我和我三八婆们的合拍 ;)
我和颖 ; )
 我和当天的寿星女limau; )
嘻嘻 ^^

最后的大合拍啦 ; )


2010年10月24日 星期日

My sister's son

My sister's son

Anything can be stuffed into the mouth

                                                                  Chili 's



                                                        He afraid 姜 haha

                                         To the last he knew to be photographed :)

2010年8月3日 星期二

x) My younger brother birthday ...

His birthday cake : )


                                                 My dad really confused, the name was wrong .
younger brother name is 李文亿


                                                            Haha , happy birthday Daniel : )

